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Why Work With Marley?

There are many other people that have more experience in the creative process.

Wait, don't leave!

I have been creating things for decades. And yet, I have only a small number of things released all of which are recent.

And I don't believe that is a negative thing. I spent a lot of time falling in and out of love with projects; dreaming of their potential and then becoming overwhelmed by it.

And at the root of everything, there was a fear of judgment that kept me from pursuing my goals.

Even when I would complete something, I would not release it, or I would not publicize it.

It was too vulnerable.

But over the past several years, I have been working to take progressive steps and move towards the life that resonates. And I know I'm not alone in being restless with authentic creativity, and yet feeling weighed down by some quiet dread.

I've been on both sides now, and I've spent many years wading through the middle gradient.

The truth is, I'm still there.

But I've just released a book, something I thought I would never do!

And I have released a game on Steam. Granted, my game is extremely tiny.

But I have gone through the process, and that was a large part of it for me!

So I may not have industry experience, but I am confident that I can help you move towards what resonates for you.

There's no better time than now!



Asset Design & Creation

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I can create banners and vector art to make your website and portfolio shine!

Help to create strong branding to reinforce vibes and set expectations!

1 : 1 Writing Support

Want to address roadblocks and deconstruct patterns blocking your creativity?

Connect and discuss your work just to bounce ideas off me and get feedback?

Provide helpful pressure to keep your creative project focused?

Screenplay Coverage & Novel Breakdown

Let's work together to polish up that screenplay draft!

Review that novel chapter!

Or hire me to write some prose on your behalf!